Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HBD Bandung

Jalan Braga, then.

Dirgahayu ke 202 dear my beautiful city, Bandung.
Wow, umur udah gak muda ya?
Kapan nih mau berbenah kaya di tahun 2005 pas perayaan 50 tahun KAA?
Kapan bisa merebut kembali predikat kota teraman seperti di tahun 1990 silam?
Kapan semua warganya (baik asli atau pendatang) bisa disiplin dan gak buang sampah sembarangan?
Kapan orang-orang rakus itu bisa dilarang buat ngebangun di daerah pegunungan?
Kapan pemerintahannya bisa bebas korupsi?
Kapan Persib bisa juara liga lagi?
Kapan warganya bisa lebih menghargai sejarah dan lingkungan?
Kapan? Kapan? Kapan?

Anyway, di balik semua kekurangan yang dimilikin sama kota ini, gue tetep bangga bisa jadi salah satu penduduknya. Bisa numpang lahir, numpang sekolah, dan terutama bisa numpang hidup selama 22 tahun disini, yang ternyata merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri, apalagi setelah baca beberapa post yang dibuat sama warga non-Bandung yang bilang seandainya mereka bisa lahir di Bandung. Pfft. Kalo gue sih bakal lebih ke ngebayangin: Seandainya gue lahir di London. Hahaha. 

Yah, apapun deh. Pokoknya sekali lagi, Dirgahayu Bandung. May Allah always bless this city and its people :)

Quite true

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Editors, finally :D

I can’t believe it, I liked this band (esp for their song, Munich) for ages and I barely know their look..haha. I once posted that fact on Path and this friend of mine was just like, “youtube dong” I know, in this internet era, everything is just one click away. But I just kinda like to enjoyed their songs without really knowing how they look like (same like The Temper Trap case before I finally googled them). Today, giving up to my curiosity, I finally looked up for Editors’ music video a few minutes ago through youtube and I kinda…pleased. I mean, once again I got fooled by how the band sound and how they look. At first I thought they were from Germany (cause of the song title.. pffft) or somewhere else in Europe… guess I’m wrong because it’s England where they come from, okay it’s quite close since it still in Europe lol. And the singer! I can’t believe it. In my mind, I imagine the singer would look like Kaiser Chiefs’ singer or even like the guy from Kings of Leon. But then again I’m surprised cause actually he looks like this:

I mean, how can that icy, deep voice come from this skinny guy? :D

Oh, and his name is Tom, Tom Smith. Cool.. but why are there so many frontmen with the first name Tom? Tom Delonge, Tom Powers, Thom Yorke, and now Tom Smith? Haha. The different is, Tom Smith has a unique and deep voice (which is sexy to me). His vocal range is baritone, the kinda voice you can expect to hear from a mature man with beard and suit. Or, from the jazz singer like Louis Armstrong (what a wonderful world). His vocal style has been compared to that of post-punk singers such as Ian Curtis of Joy DivisionPaul Banks of InterpolRobert Smith of The Cure and Michael Stipe of R.E.M.. But Tom is Tom. He can sing very well in the live shows and not many singers can do that I think ;p

The former Editors line up consisted of Tom Smith, Chris Urbanowicz, Russel Leetch and Edward Lay. Unfortunately, Chris left the group in April 2012 and his position replaced by two new members: Justin Lockey and Elliot Williams.  
According to Daily Mail UK, Editors are the second biggest British band of the decade behind the Arctic Monkeys: Their debut album, The Back Room, sold more than 500,000 copies. They were also nominated for Best British Group in the 2008 Brit Award.
Editors discography:
  • The Back Room (2005)
  • An End has a Start (2007)
  • In This Light and On This Evening (2009)
“We put our hearts and souls into a song and to have it used as a tool to make money for something else is sickening.”
- Editors about sticking their tracks on TV advert.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Now Reading

Edgar Allan Poe and John Connolly, I might say: this is one hell of a reading time! :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

And this is why I cannot be a good Accessories Reseller, I end up bought them for myself instead :|

Thursday, September 13, 2012

We are accident, waiting to happen

Radiohead - "There There"
The video for Radiohead's "There There" was inspired by Bagpuss, a British TV show for children. It features frontman Thom Yorke in a forest, where he is stunned to encounter woodland creatures engaged in activities he never expected to see in species other than human beings.

In 2003, "There There" won Best Art Direction in a Video at the MTV Video Music Awards.
source: here

Video klip ini punya kesan yang berarti bagi gue, soalnya gara-gara lagu dan video klip inilah gue jadi jatuh hati sama Radiohead :)
There There adalah single pertama dari album Hail to the Thief yang dirilis pada tahun 2003. Waktu itu gue masih 13 tahun. Seorang abg kelas 1 SMP yang sangat tergila-gila sama MTV. Anak nongkrong MTV banget lah haha. Gue inget banget waktu itu MTV membuat Radiohead sebagai artist of the month or something like that..I forgot, it was long, long time ago.. Pokoknya, akibatnya video klip ini diputer terus menerus dalam kurun waktu sebulan. Ada kali sejam sekali diputer haha. Oleh karena itu akhirnya irama lagu ini nempel banget di kepala. Awalnya sempet rada aneh gitu sih. Ini band apaan sih? Lagunya aneh, video klipnya aneh. Eeeeh namanya juga gak kalah aneh. Kepala Radio, apa itu? Haha. Tapi ya itulah, dari benci suka berubah jadi cinta. 
Sampai sekarang Radiohead adalah salah satu band favorit gue :)
I love them. So freaking much. Gue bisa merinding semerinding-merindingnya kalo lagi nonton video live mereka. Apalagi yang From The Basement yang In Rainbows. It's just so....magical.
Sembilan tahun sudah gue jadi penggemar lagu-lagu Radiohead... dan entah kapan mereka bisa 'nyangkut' ke Indonesia agar gue bisa bener-bener liat mereka live in concert.Well, let's just pray, wait and see then.